Hello, My blogging family. Normally I would be posting about some deal or some freebie. But today I have a request for you. Click here and try to spend a few of those hard saved dollars to help a family.
What's Going on? My coworker and friend's son has been very very ill he's been in and out of the hospital. Instead of taking off work to take her son to the hospital and be with him she's been at work everyday! Why? Because she cant afford not to be. She's been such a trooper! She's one of the nicest people I've met. Her beautiful son is doing so much better now, but he has to have nebulizer treatments daily. Every little dollar I can raise to help this family would be appreciated! :) So if you have a few extra dollars invest it in a good cause and a beautiful baby boy. I really want to be able to help them out and I knew i couldn't do it alone. I posted up on Swag Bucks facebook wall to see if anyone knew where i could find coupons and such for babies and a wonderful Scentsy Consultant messaged me and offered to help me raise money. :)
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